Your Family Relationship Mentors


At Family Shift, we know you desire to leave a lasting legacy as you lead your family with purpose and greater intention. To do that, you need a plan to build strong, healthy relationships with each other so you can thrive through any challenge life throws at you. 

The problem is all of life’s demands and competing voices are threatening your family. Consequently, you feel overwhelmed and inadequate to keep your family from drifting apart.

We believe every family deserves to reach their full potential and achieve the close-knit relationships they long to have with each other and to provide a strong spiritual and moral foundation for their children.

After speaking to over two million students, 30 years of marriage and raising three kids, we know first-hand how hard it is to build strong relationships in today’s world. There is so much to navigate between the demands of work, home, and all the unexpected challenges of life. 

That’s why after working with hundreds of couples and families we developed the S.H.I.F.T. Method. It’s a simple framework to help families stop drifting and get back on the same page so you can live with greater intention and purpose. 

Here’s how it works:
1. Read Family Shift
2. Apply the S.H.I.F.T. Method with your family
3. Start thriving as a family that lives with renewed peace and purpose. 

Order the book today and get a step-by-step plan to transform your family relationships. In the meantime, take the 7-Day Family Challenge. You don’t have to live in constant tension, fear or frustration with the people you love and care for the most. Instead, become a family that is bonded together to create and leave the lasting legacy you desire.