Learn about your strengths and weaknesses with one of the most accurate personality quizzes in existence. Discover your true purpose today - what are you waiting for?

Takes approx. 5-7 minutes


Personality Test FAQ’s

What Does Your Personality Type Mean?

Your personality reveals three key things about you:

  1. the way you think,

  2. the way you feel and

  3. the way you act.

Psychologists have found over 18,000 words to describe the way people are psychologically different from each other. When you mix different personalities together, the combinations are endless. God has given you a unique personality, it’s part of your God-given shape and we want to help you identify your strengths and use your personality to grow!

To discover your purpose, your why and your way, you must first take a look inside and discover your true personality type.

What is a Personality Test?

Simply put, it is a series of questions that are designed to identify your key traits, strengths, and weaknesses. This test answers the questions “What is my personality type?”, “What am I good at?” and “What kind of person am I?”.

What Else Can I Do With Family Shift?

free personality type test helps you understand yourself and others

Understand Yourself & Others

In our blog, you will learn how to navigate the challenges we all face in life, from anger in your marriage to raising your children to value commitment. Each article contains insights that will help you build stronger connections!


Learn How To Use Your Natural Talents & Strengths

Family Shift is here to help you stop the drifting that occurs in your most important relationships and a big part of that is learning more about your own gifts and abilities