Posts in Family
How To Handle Anger | Episode 5

The No. 1 Destroyer of Marriages: Anger

Family Shift Podcast Episode #5 | Rodney & Michelle Gage

If there is one thing that will erode and destroy a marriage relationship over time it is pent up anger.  Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, For every minute you remain angry, you give up sixty seconds of peace of mind.

Anger is a real emotion we all struggle with from time to time.  How we express it is often what gets us in trouble. In this months podcast, Rodney & Michelle discuss the importance of taking a step back and reflecting on what is actually causing you to feel angry.  When we do, it can actually help you gain a better perspective and help you deal with your anger in a healthy and productive way.

The Power Of Commitment | Episode 4

How Commitment Shapes Our Lives

Unfortunately, our culture today seems to promote and reinforce the notion that life should be hassle-free with no long-term obligations or commitments to anything or anyone. 

There’re many reasons why people fear commitment and there are many reasons why commitment matters in our lives, careers and especially in our relationships.  In this month’s podcast, Rodney and Michelle share 3 reasons why the power of commitment is so important to our marriage and helps teach our children lasting values. 

Our Commitments...

  1. Reveal Our Values

  2. Shape Our Lives

  3. Determine Our Future

How To Balance Work & Home | Episode 2

In a recent study conducted by Small Business Trends, out of 38 countries surveyed (1 being the best and 38 being the worst) America ranks #30 in balancing Work & Home. 66% of all full-time employees strongly believe they do not have a healthy work-life balance.

In a recent study conducted by Small Business Trends, out of 38 countries surveyed (1 being the best and 38 being the worst) America ranks #30 in balancing Work & Home.  66% of all full-time employees strongly believe they do not have a healthy work-life balance. In this episode Rodney and Michelle Gage talk about the pattern of busyness and share 3 steps we can take to start building more margin into our lives.

The Danger Of The Drift | Episode 1

All families experience drift from time to time. The danger is when we don't realize we're drifting. In this episode Rodney and Michelle Gage share 5 warning signs of the drift and give us 3 things we can do to shift the drift so we can live with greater intention in our marriage and family relationships.

All families experience drift from time to time. The danger is when we don’t realize we’re drifting. In this episode Rodney and Michelle Gage share 5 warning signs of the drift and give us 3 things we can do to shift the drift so we can live with greater intention in our marriage and family relationships.